Yes I know I haven't blogged in a while And I apologize! A few things have happend since my trip to Crown College. I Took a trip to Colorado to visit Timberline again. This was strickly a college visit. We didn't fix things. Well except for Chuck who can't help but fix things. I still love it out there! Had a great time meeting some of the new students. We did everything that we would do if we were students. The plane trip was a blast. there was about 11 of us. On the way back we had a blast. Hopefully I will be able to post some pictures.
I went to my first Junior/Senior Prom! I went with Dillon Fenn. I had an amazing time. Everyone liked my dress! It was also a sad time, Because Prom usally means school is almost over which means the seniors are about to Graduate which is happening this sunday. This year's prom theam was " Let the good times Roll" It was Vegas. The Decorations were really cool! It was held at the Red Coach Inn. They sit up bleachers and Chairs and a red carptet. Family and Friends sit in the chair as we "kids" pull up in our cars and walk the red carpet. Yea you feel pretty special. I had a great time with friends! After Prom was really fun too! There was alot of activites and then there was a Hypnoitist. It was fun watching people get hypnotized.
I also saw the orthodontist, Yea I need braces. It sucks. After the braces Im done with the dentist lol. Everytime I go there is always bad news lol.
Youth Group is over with. Yes this is sad. No more wednesday night fun. ACORN is still going strong though. We Actully got booked for a wedding on May 23rd. WE are actully Leading Worship in Church May 17th. We are super pumped. Angie Mackee got all of us shirts which look really awesome! Clarinda Acadamy wants us to come play one sunday. And another chruch wants us to play for them to! We also are planning to make a CD of our songs. Its all very exciting!
My dad Has ordered my Plane ticket. I am leaving May 25th and I shall be back on July 2nd. I wanted to Come back for Jake and Randi's wedding, and VBS. PLease pray for safty for me, and Strength.
School has been good. Choir is always fun. But we found out our Awesome Teacher Mr. Eldridge is leaving after this year. Which is a bummer for most of us. He has accepted a Principal Job In Sydney Iowa. He said he will still give me voice lessons which is amazing.
Speaking of Voice Lessons I went to small group contest this year. I sang " My Lovely Cilia" and " Caro Mio Bin" ( Italian) I got a 2 which is amazing! Last year I got a 3 So I was pretty excited!
Josh Broke his arm! Yea my brother is going to be the bicentinal Man.! He was riding his bike and the chain fell of and he flipped of the handalbars, and broke his wrist, they had to put a metal plate in his arm. Yea it was pretty Narley. Oh my little Brother!
The Attic Is pretty much finished. So we can finally start moving things up there! :D
So thats pretty much everything!!! I'll start trying to be better about blogging!!!!!
Talk to you later!